Over the past 15 years, we’ve had the privilege of working with some of the most recognized and respected companies in Canada.

Ontario Energy Board


In 2015, the Ontario Energy Board Act was amended to include, as part of the Ontario Energy Board’s mandate, promoting the education of consumers. In keeping with OEB’s consumer-centric regulatory framework and expanded mandate, the OEB developed strategic approaches to build consumer awareness and energy literacy and enhancing public consultation and engagement.

With this in mind, the OEB’s Public Affairs and Communications teams engaged Green Wave Events to help create a grassroots outreach plan, designed to increase OEB’s visibility and accessibility by going local – reaching out to consumers face-to-face to create a ‘learn-and-listen’ opportunity, structured for feedback and open dialogue.

The Solution

Green Wave worked closely with the Ontario Energy Board with the goal of reaching more consumers by engaging in meaningful conversations. The OEB exhibited, for the first time, at both the Canadian National Exhibition and the Royal Winter Fair, reaching a total of about 16,700 meaningful conversations. Due to the overwhelming success of the program and positive consumer feedback, the Ontario Energy Board decided to expand the program in 2018, tripling outreach efforts to a total of 80 event days.

Green Wave Events was tasked with researching and planning the event calendar with a mix of target-right events, many of them in priority cities with higher populations of indigenous and low-income families. We designed and produced a polished, professional booth including an 8 x 8 step-and-repeat backdrop, custom branded kiosk and two (2) interactive Plinko Power game boards, each six feet in height, along with Bean Bag Toss games and quizzes to help maximize the number of interactions.


Commencing in 2017, this outreach campaign spanned a total of 151 days, connecting with over 76,000 consumers. Our highly-trained Brand Ambassador teams travelled from smaller communities across northern Ontario including Kenora, Sioux Lookout, Dryden and Thunder Bay to larger urban areas including Ottawa, Windsor, London and Toronto. Each interaction involves more than handing out a brochure. These are meaningful conversations that typically last between 5 and 10 minutes. Ratepayers are encouraged to visit, at the booth and from home, the OEB website, specifically the sections on understanding the energy bill, rate-setting and how to participate.


Years: 2017 - 2019 151 Activation Days 76,861 Customers Educated

Enbridge Gas Inc.


The smell of rotten eggs is added to natural gas to alert the public of a potential gas leak, yet according to an Ipsos Reid survey conducted by Enbridge Gas Inc., only 33 per cent of respondents could accurately describe what natural gas smells like. With low customer awareness and safety being a top priority, Enbridge Gas engaged Green Wave Events to develop and launch the “Smell Gas? Act Fast!” public awareness campaign to help educate people on natural gas, what it smells like, and what to do if you smell it.

The Solution

To engage the public across Ontario, our teams of highly trained Brand Ambassadors attended a strategic mix of festivals, consumer shows and family-focused events, allowing customers to smell the "scratch and sniff" pages and learn first-hand what natural gas smells like. In addition, Green Wave staff encouraged families to dress up in fun costumes to show off their best “Smellfie” for a chance to win 1 of 10 prizes valued at $500.00.


Launched in 2015, The “Smell Gas? Act Fast!” Tour has been successfully running in communities across Ontario for 5 years and includes a digital photobooth & high-speed printer allowing families to take home a copy of their photo to share with their family & friends. Our team of highly trained Brand Ambassadors go into specific regions where awareness may be low – answering consumer questions on everything from natural gas, carbon monoxide, Enbridge Gas conservation programs and more.

Based on the tremendous success of the program, Enbridge Gas Distribution was honoured to receive the 2015 SAFE Award (Safety Award for Excellence) in the Public Safety category for “Smell Gas, Act Fast”.


Years: 2015 - 2020 289 Activation Days 20,356 Contest Entries 303,233 Customers Educated 624,537 Online Impressions

Toronto Hydro



As one of the largest LDC’s in Ontario delivering electricity to over 772,000 customers, Toronto Hydro needed a way to inform consumers on programs available for residential customers, while at the same time promoting conservation. Overall consumer participation needed a boost. In March 2012, Toronto Hydro enlisted Green Wave Events to help engage consumers across the Toronto Hydro service area to increase awareness of available programming.

The Solution

To raise awareness and boost participation in Toronto Hydro’s conservation programs and online services, Green Wave curated a selection of target-right events across Toronto. Our Brand Ambassador teams were put through a multi-day, rigorous training program to ensure our teams were exceptionally well-versed on a variety of “hot button” topics including smart metres and TOU rates, LED lightbulbs, peaksaver PLUS, and rising electricity rates. Additionally, staff became experts on programs specifically geared towards low-income customers including the Home Assistance Program, LEAP, Ontario Electricity Support Program and the Affordability Fund.


Over eight years, this integrated, award-winning campaign (for Talk Box, in 2007) included over 400 event days, everything from councillor hosted Environment Days, busy street festivals, Leafs and Raptors games & BBQ events in lower-income neighbourhoods. In total, our teams generated approximately 550,000 total interactions and signed up over 3,500 customers for peaksaver PLUS and Fridge & Freezer Pick-Up, helping to reduce the strain on the electricity grid.


Years: 2012 - 2019 432 Activation Days 550,000+ Customers Educated 3,500+ CDM Program Sign-Ups